
Wait a minute. Does this emperor have clothes?

A Ring Tone Meant to Fall on Deaf Ears - New York Times: "'Adults are not supposed to be able to hear that,' said another, according to the teacher's account."

The ring tone - the magic ring tone that only kids are supposed to be able to hear - is on this page. Or not. I can't hear it myself so how can I be sure?

This was the sound (or pretty much the sound) that's being put to use by English merchants as a teen repellent. By one account it "sets teeth on edge." Just mentioning.

(The link is to the New York Times and if you're not already registered there I guess you'll have to do that to hear the tone. If, of course, you can hear it at all. Which might set your teeth on edge right there. I'm sure there are other copies of the sound online somewhere but how can I find them if I can't hear them? See what I mean?)

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