
Four letters for "quiet," you say? How about STFU?

I mean it, Bunky. You think it's some kind of pinko libsymp envirowacky affectation when people talk about "noise pollution"? Yeah, I did too. Until I got an iPod, that is. Just try walking down the street some day with those white buds in your ears. Noise, nothing but noise, blasting the blues. Hoots, honks, tweets and tootles. Not to mention bangs and booms. And if you think the street's bad, try McDonald's. There is no way you're gonna find a quiet corner there. Cranking up the volume is the only way to go.

So I'm sitting there this morning, maxed, and all I'm wanting is a nice cup of coffee (that Newman's stuff is pretty good) and a little Cannonball, and there are two people in the booth behind me working a freakin' crossword puzzle. Out loud. Just try ignoring that. I mean, I like crossword puzzles as well as the next guy, but not yours.

And by the way, 46 across is "yahoo."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see that on a t-shirt.