
Oh my. Word.

Yes, that may come as a shock. But I'm actually thinking about installing Word here. I think I can put it off, possibly, until Sunday but time is inexorably running out.

I do have Word, I just don't like having it on my computer is all. It's more satisfying to keep it there on the CD where it's safe and shiny. And it's surprisingly (well it may surprise you if you're a Word person) easy to get along without Word, even if you work with people who use it. But there comes a time when you're teaching classes in Word it becomes advantageous, if not particularly "useful" in a literal sort of way, to actually see it when you're planning a lesson. Just now and then. Hence. I might. But just until the end of June.

My iMac is back. They changed the logic board which broke my registration with iTunes and Audible, a situation now remedied, and otherwise it seems to be up and running like it should. Which, of course, I accept as a challenge. And since I have a three-day weekend coming up I'm thinking about wiping the disk and reinstalling everything from scratch (a process I think of as my nuclear housecleaning option). There really ought to be something clean around here and it might as well be my Mac. It sure ain't my socks. I should do something about that too, I guess. Tomorrow.

When it's supposed to snow. Which reminds me I forgot to say anything to my class this morning about the snow policy. So, if any of you happen to be reading this...we don't have one. Seeya then.

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