
I think I've finally come up with the invention that's going to make me rich.

LED tattoos. Think about it. Would that be cool or what?

I forgot to wear my wrist watch to work. And when I discovered that I flashed back on a conversation I had yesterday about tattoos, and thinking maybe I'd have a watch tattooed on my wrist. I mean what the hell, it'd be right twice a day and even that would be better than no watch at all. Am I right or what? And that's when it came to me. In all its glory. This idea.

LED tattoos. Think about it. I bet with an LED tattoo and a little microprocessor implant that sucker would keep perfect time. Or think about this - you could sell advertising space on your forehead. Or have one of those crawl signs like in Times Square that would flash pithy sayings, like "hey yo mama," or something like that. Or a :-) that changed to a :-(. Or you could go classic and have a snake that slithered up your arm.

Pretty amazing, huh? If you want a franchise let me know.


Anonymous said...

I'm in! I love the watch idea. Not only would it keep time, it could track body temperature, heart rate, sports and weather! As an added bonus, it could change to match your outfit or fit an occassion. Brilliant, I say!

Funny you should mention it. I was just going to send you an ad for a BMW watch that is also an MP3 player. It comes with a USB port so you can show off your photos - or a business presentation - at any given, uh, time. Not as cool as the LED tatoo, but very Dick Tracy.

Now, if only my shoe were a phone....

Ted Compton said...

Match your outfit! Never would have thought of that one. But yeah, why not. I like the mp3 idea too. Hmmm, gotta think about that one.

Of course by now BMWs should have iPod docks built in, shouldn't they? Slide in the 'Pod like you'd slide in a cassette or CD, maybe have controls on the steering wheel. Cool.