
It comes to this

The network [this would be the ABC Family network, I think, although maybe it's just the ABC network without the Family part; maybe the Family part means something else] calls Bristol Palin [who is scheduled to "make her acting debut," I'm not kidding, on an ABC Family show called "The Secret Life of the American Teenager," a life so secret, in fact, I've never heard of it although maybe it's big among people who watch ABC Family, or not] the most famous teenage mother in America.

link: Bristol Palin to guest star on 'American Teenager' - Yahoo! News

And I'm just wondering, most famous teenage mother in what circles - just at ABC or just at the Associated Press or in some wider universe, and how does one find these things out? Also, does "teenage mother" automatically mean unmarried teenage mother or is there some other kind? I've been out of touch.

1 comment:

Lynn C Dot said...

Depends on which show you're watching.