
Invasion of the Geezer People!!!

I notice inside the back cover of my current reading device from the library is a sticker with a bunch of squares printed on it and the instruction, "To remember what you've read, write your initials in the square." Cracks me up.

I suppose they mean remember you've read this book, not remember what the book says. But still. I do, in fact, occasionally have this problem - not very often, and usually with beach books then - once in a while I discover one or two chapters in I'm reading a book I've read before.

Of course, sometimes that's on purpose. Most recently, I re-read Shakespeare's Henry V after finishing another book about the battle of Agincourt. But usually, it's just a function of my advancing dodderingness and I do not pay it much mind. Now it appears, though, there must be a lot of other doddering people in town. Why else would you put stickers like that in books?

The book in question, BTW, is Valerie Plame Wilson's Fair Game, which will not make, as of this moment, the reading list. I don't know that it's a bad book - it's so heavily redacted by the CIA's censors I can't tell what kind of book it is. That opinion may change - according to the publisher's forward there is a fairly lengthy and detailed afterward to look forward to. So we shall see.

In any event, I am not exactly going into this as a disinterested reader: I think Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby, Yoo, and up to a dozen other people should be clapped in irons over the Plame affair and for a long list of other reasons as well, and yes, you may interpret that as bias.

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