
Oregon lays down the law on vanity license plates

The [Oregon] DMV denies requests for any combination of letters and numbers that may be viewed as objectionable, in any language, by use of phonetic, numeric or reverse spelling, or when viewed as a mirror image, or that would alarm or offend a reasonable person.

Intimate body parts or sexual or bodily functions are taboo, as are offensive references to race, color, gender, ethnic heritage, or national origin or to alcohol or drugs or paraphernalia.

(AP via Yahoo! News)

And Yvonne Bell, a member of the DMV panel that approves plates, knows several naughty meanings of the word, DINK. That Yvonne, she gets around.

So it's tough luck for Mike Udink and his wife, Sally, and their son. No UDINK plates for them.

"Since when can a panel dictate whether your name's offensive or not?" asked Udink, a lineman for Pacific Power.

Since about now, I guess.

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