
He really did

Former Arkansas Governor (what is it with these guys from Arkansas anyway?) Mike Huckabee, now a member if the Republican presidential pack, revealed in a speech to the NRA the other day:

"I'm pretty sure there will be duck hunting in heaven and I can't wait."

Whoa. That puts a whole new light on things, doesn't it? I mean, I never figured a person would have to sit around playing a harp all day. They probably have other things to do, like, I don't know, maybe Bingo games, shuffleboard, Early Bird Specials. But duck hunting? Woohoo! That's awesome!

Of course, maybe it's only for the Rs. Maybe they have special sections: Duck hunting for the Rs, pot-smoking, free-love singalongs for the Ds. (Doesn't seem like such a tough choice when you think about it that way, does it?)

I wonder if they have a waterslide.

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