
No need to read

Or, for that matter, think. Because, Bunky, now there's a web site called Wonkosphere from an outfit called Crawdad Technologies (I'm not kidding here) featuring some kind of "buzz share" meter (nope, still not kidding) that will tell you which political candidates are like totally awesome and which are not. Mike Gravel, for example, logs a crummy one percent buzz share but nails a 0.1 "tone," whatever that is. Kucinich doesn't even make the chart.

Wonkosphere is different from other sites because we track hundreds of blogs and web sites per day, more than any human can read. Our patented technology text analysis technology identifies posts that matter, not just posts that are popular. If you're tracking individual candidates, our unique analysis will show you their share of buzz in conservative and liberal blogs, highlight the most representative posts, and tell you whether the tone of discussion about your candidate is trending up or down.

Or so they say.

The problem with all this, of course, is that it might actually save time, since if you read it you don't have to track hundreds of blogs and web sites yourself, or at least try to, but what the hell, we're putting it on our Work Avoidance list anyway.

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