
How weird is weird?

According to this AFP story the Pentagon is in a twit over lies about Iraq - lies, I tell you! - in the “international media.”

The US military accused the international media on Saturday of exacerbating Iraq's violent tensions by reporting false claims of massacres which it said were deliberately fabricated by extremist groups.
This from the very same Pentagon that gleefully plants false stories - lies, I tell you! - in the international media itself under the rubric of “disinformation.” So that's pretty weird. But it gets even weirder in a couple of graphs...

Anti-Iraqi forces are known for purposely providing false information to the media...“
Whoa. The anti-Iraqi forces in Iraq? Wouldn't that be us? I mean, we are the guys who invaded the place, aren't we? And, yeah, there are some al-Qaeda there but Iraqis who they're anti? I don't know. Surely the Pentagon flacks aren't trying to tell us the Iraqis are anti-Iraqi, are they?

Who knows. We're so mired in spin we simply don't know what we're saying anymore.

Link: The Raw Story | US military accuses media of reporting 'false' Iraqi claims

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