
Commander Guy gets stuck in the great big ocean

Commander Guy, who's up there in Maine because he invited Vladimir Putin for a sleep-over at Mommy and Poppy's house, went fishing with 41 and that other daughter of his, not Jenna, 100 feet from shore, and got his boat stuck.

They dropped the anchor to fish less than 100 feet from shore at Biddleford, Maine, but when they decided to leave, they couldn't, according to an Associated Press photographer who took pictures of the incident.
Called in Secret Service divers to get the anchor up.

Maybe that's why the Secret Service says he'll need a 100-person detail when he retires: They figure they'll have to pick him up every time he topples over. Agents will be applying for transfer to the Nome office before it's over.

Link: spiiderweb™: Anchor a drag on Bush's boat

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