
Ok so maybe he's not that other guy.

Maybe he's, you know, some other guy. But he's a guy, isn't he? So we got some guy. You can't say we didn't get some guy.

General Caldwell's description of the role of the dead man – particularly that “we know he is responsible for propaganda and ransom videos for Jill Carroll” – would imply that Jubouri was Jill's chief captor, a man known to her as “Abu Nour” and as “Abdullah Rashid.”

Another senior captor that Carroll knew as Abu Rasha, a burly man who played a major role in the logistics of her captivity, also partially fits Caldwell's statement that Jubouri was “responsible for the transportation and movement of Jill Carroll from her various hiding places.”

But Carroll was held by a number of men, and the photo of Jubouri doesn't appear to be either Abu Rasha or Abu Nour.
Link: A Jill Carroll captor killed, says US military | csmonitor.com

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