
Speaking of a war czar, looks like the Iraqis already have one

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraq's prime minister has created an entity within his government that U.S. and Iraqi military officials say is being used as a smokescreen to hide an extreme Shiite agenda that is worsening the country's sectarian divide.The Office of the Commander in Chief has the power to overrule other government ministries, according to U.S. military and intelligence sources....

According to a U.S. intelligence source, the Office is “ensuring the emplacement of commanders it favors and can control, regardless of what the ministries want.”...

A senior U.S. military official cited several cases in Baghdad in which Iraqi commanders considered capable by the United States were detained or forced out of their positions after cracking down on Shiite militias.

Among the cases, an Iraqi colonel in Baghdad, who had made strides in controlling the Shiite Mehdi militia, was removed from his job, the U.S. military official said.
Maybe the DOOFUS is just jealous, ya think?

Link: Shadowy Iraq office accused of sectarian agenda - CNN.com

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