
Brain say "hair of the dog"? Brain disagrees.

Marshall Brain, the guy who created HowStuffWorks.com that is, disagrees. Quoted in the Boston Globe this morning, Brain says there's no known cure for a hangover but...
“Millions (of people) will be getting hangovers. You might as well know what is making you feel bad."

What's making you feel bad? Mike Royko, the legendary Chicago columnist and writer, connoisseur of ribs, member of the Chicago 16-Inch Softball Hall of Fame, and prominent hangover researcher (he traditionally devoted a column to his studies every January 1) had it pegged:
"Defining a hangover is simple: It is nature's way of telling you that you got drunk. I've never understood why nature goes to the bother, since millions of wives pass on the information."

Royko would agree with Brain - there's no known cure - but...
"Moaning helps. It doesn't ease the pain, but it lets you know that someone cares, even if it is only you. Moaning also lets you know that you are still alive."

So there you have it. It's a New Year, maybe you've noticed.


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