
Quit playing videogames. Get back to drugs and alcohol. Kill real people.

Seems to pretty much sum on O'Reilly's plan to save American youth from turning into a bunch of couch-zombie geeks.
(GamePolitics.com) - American society is changing for the worse because of the machines… In the past to flee the real world people usually chose drugs or alcohol… now you don’t have to do that, Now all you have to do is have enough money to buy a machine…

So this is a big, big problem. It’s going to change every single thing in this country...

I really fear for the United States because, believe me, the jihadists? They’re not playing the video games. They’re killing real people over there.

Yeah, you saw that coming, didn't you? Kids, the terrorists don't play videogames. Those bastards.

O'Reilly rants on:
I don’t own an iPod. I would never wear an iPod… If this is your primary focus in life - the machines… it’s going to have a staggeringly negative effect, all of this, for America… did you ever talk to these computer geeks? I mean, can you carry on a conversation with them?

Which raises two questions:

  1. Why does he sell podcasts as a "premium benefit" on his web site?
  2. Which one of you guys has been talking to this jerk?


...e... said...

not me. you been talking? couldn't prove it by me, wheredja GO?

Ted Compton said...

Still laboring on last weekend's project, which is pretty much par for the course around here. Gotta git it done before next weekend's project starts. Or before Thursday, whichever comes first.