
A couple of horses maybe. Or a chipmunk. But 'gators are out.

Florida: 'A Paradise Of Scandals', Steve Kroft Talks To Columnist/Novelist Carl Hiaasen - CBS News: "'The court had ruled it 'Gators In Bed is Bad Idea,'' says Hiaasen, referring to one clipping. 'This was a story about a guy who was sleeping with two full-grown alligators. And a court ruled that he had no constitutional right to sleep with an endangered reptile."

Carl Hiaasen comments on the endearing (or, well, depending on your point of view) ways of Floridians and the provenance of his books - and if you haven't read any or Hiaasen's books yet run, don't walk, to your nearest library or book store - in a dandy interview with CBS News.

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