

So I'm sitting here making some notes about Excel before I give it up for today. I don't like working from a rigid lesson plan and since the people in every class are a little different every class is a little different, and I have to keep notes on what got covered each day so nothing too important gets forgotten. And my present class is a good one, not so much meaning fast as meaning reasonably well matched, which is what makes things go smoothly and makes for covering a lot of information in the allotted time. Which means that if I don't get too distracted along the way I'll have time with this class to do something that involves CONCATENATE. CONCATENATE is my favorite Excel function. CONCATENATE is even more fun to say than Dubuque. Maybe we'll do the "There are nnn days left until Christmas" calculation, which involves concatenating. Yeah. That's cool.

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...e... said...

i must say that i have never even once had occasion to use CONCATENATE, not once.

Ted Compton said...

well then you have a treat in store.