
Beware the jubjub bird, shun the frumious Baldersnatch. And bloggers.


You heard me. Bloggers. The US government's "Cyber Storm" wargame (they may be dismantling the civilized world but they're having a lot of fun doing it) envisioned responding to terrorist cyberattacks by cracking down on "deliberate misinformation campaigns and activist calls by Internet bloggers, online diarists whose "Web logs" include political rantings and musings about current events." (For the record this is more a musing than a rant, although it does have certain rant-like qualities, with overtones of muffled scream.) Not to worry, though.
The Homeland Security Department promised a full report on results from the exercise by summer.
With appropriate deliberate misinformation, no doubt. Meanwhile if you are a blogger and given to rants or muses the Cyber Stormers have their eyes on you.

BTW it snew last night, an inch or two - I will bestir myself anon to investigate this on the ground - and there's still a wee bit of something in the air, not really enough to be called, properly, snow, but more like sno or even sn. The widget temp is 18º as we speak. So no snow day here, even if it wouldn't really be a snow day anyway. (And I did, weather gods, say so far. I trust you notice that.) (And, again for the record, this is neither a muse nor a rant, it's just a report. OK?)

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