
"This majestic rant"

It isn't often one encounters a truly majestic rant (and even less often if you're looking for one here because I just don't pay attention enough) but this one, posted by someone named "Peanut" on a blog called Needlenose is majestic, I do agree.
George has nowhere left on earth to fail and godhood must now be conferred upon him. He will be the one deity that all mythologies lack: The Fucking Idiot Deity with absolutely nothing to recommend him except that [he] can't be kicked out of the pantheon.
You can read the whole thing, in all it's glory, here.

My own personal favorite majestic rant remains, however, Mark Twain's letter to the gas company, which is reproduced in toto here:
Hartford, February 12, 1891.

Dear Sirs:

Some day you will move me almost to the verge of irritation by your chuckle-headed Goddamned fashion of shutting your Goddamned gas off without giving any notice to your Goddamned parishioners. Several times you have come within an ace of smothering half of this household in their beds and blowing up the other half by this idiotic, not to say criminal, custom of yours. And it has happened again today. Haven’t you a telephone?


S L Clemens (Mark Twain)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too cherish Mark Twain's letter to the Gas Company.