

I don't care. I say it's slop and I'm not backing down. It's raining like craZy here, all over everything, and the weather widget says it's 57. Yeah that's right - I looked twice. Good thing it's not 5 like it was yesterday morning because we'd have snow up to our armpits if it were. Or knees, at least. But what we have instead is slop.

And I'm not going to even mention what the widget says about the rest of the week. Oh no. Not one word. I've already jinxed enough weather in the past few days - no way am I going to jinx this. No, no. I'm playing it straight down the New England line this time: we will be punished for this.

Anyway the forecast could be wrong. We don't have a weather station here. We have weather stations 30 or 40 miles away in every direction, but none right where we are. And here in the valley that much distance can make a big difference. So every year it's a little game, figuring out which weather service to trust. (They all use the same data - none of which, as I've said, is from right here - but they use different forecasting models. Or so I'm told.) Usually, Accuweather wins (an unsolicited plug there) but sometimes they blow it and the Weather Channel gets it right.

And I'm not even a weather wonk. Just imagine if I were. But one needs to know these things and now one does. Also we had weather sort of like this last year too - really warm for the first part and then really cold, with lots of snow, for the rest. (Weather gods take note: I am being humble here, am I not?)

Only maybe (I'm saying maybe) I might (I'm saying might) begin to think (I'm just thinking - really) that possibly I signed up for enough oil to get through the season without a nasty price bump at the end, with this warm January and all. Which will be nice.

I guess we'll see.

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...e... said...

oh god now you've done it. why? why?

Ted Compton said...

it's in my genes.

right now it's 34 and it's supposed to snow, the widget says, for a little while, mostly right when I am driving to work. a personal warning, no doubt. and then it's supposed to get to 46 (go figure that). even warmer tomorrow, with more rain, followed by frogs, cats, and dogs. and above freezing 30s until tuesday.

I'm just saying what they're saying here, nothing more. and every time I look they say something a little different. so it could be anything, really. maybe.

Anonymous said...

live and learn. (fire the YAME weather man, i say. he's more trouble than it's worth!)

Ted Compton said...

can't do that. he's related to the boss.

Anonymous said...

don't you mean emporor, or something?

Ted Compton said...

well, now that you mention...