
Fear itself

European ISIS fighters: Are there really 3,000 jihadis? (+video) - CSMonitor.com

"Last week,  Matthew Olsen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, said: 'Thousands of foreign fighters have flocked to Syria over the past three years. This includes more than 2,000 Europeans and more than a hundred Americans.'

"The figure of more than 100 Americans fighting with ISIS has been cited by several Obama administration officials and members of the US Congress.

"But on Thursday, the FBI director challenged that number.

"The US only knows of about 12 Americans who are currently in Syria fighting, FBI Director James Comey said Thursday."

100 sells more papers. And maybe gets more votes. The answer to pretty much any question beginning with “why” you can think of right now is, “It’s an election year."

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