
Fixing a budget problem by spending less is un-American

Says Grover Norquist in this morning's NYTimes:

Read My Lips - No New Taxes - NYTimes.com

There is only one fix for a spending problem: spend less.

Says me: Horsepucky.

I can not think of one single American hero who ever solved a budget problem by spending less (even Newt got himself a charge account). Everyone, from bank robbers (Sundance!) to industrialists (Carniege!) to geeks (Gates!) to miscellaneous street urchins from all quarters balanced their budgets by getting more money. I can't think of a single American hero that balanced his budget by spending less (Hippies!).

If you have a beer budget and Champaign tastes, the solution is get more money (Lorelei Lee!). The solution is not spend less (Norquist).

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