
When they say Facebook and Skype, that should pretty much tip you off...

Wiretapped phones, now Internet? | StarTribune.com

Essentially, [federal law enforcement officials] officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications -- including encrypted e-mail transmitters such as BlackBerry, social networking websites such as Facebook and software that allows direct "peer-to-peer" messaging such as Skype -- to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order. The mandate would include being able to intercept and unscramble encrypted messages.

...that they're not really planning to snoop on, oh, services that enable bank transfers or encrypted messages containing corporate communications (don't worry, somebody will clue them in on BlackBerry just in time) but only on evil terrorists eeek which is the whole reason they are also raiding the homes of war protesters (ooops, anti-war activists!) and checking out your library list. No, they plan to snoop on you. 

You are the bad guy here, darling...but you still look marvelous.



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