
Not that it's a joke or anything

Strategies - If Congress Stalls, Do Stocks Rise? - NYTimes.com

Conventional wisdom, rooted in derisive humor, says it is. “This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as we do when the baby gets hold of a hammer,” Will Rogers wrote in The New York Times on July 5, 1930. “It’s just a question of how much damage he can do with it before you can take it away from him.”

And if you think Congress is likely to get better any time soon, this from Maureen Dowd's column today (certainly worth a read):

Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Jim DeMint and some Tea Party types don’t merely yearn for the country they idealize from the 1950s. They want to go back to the 1750s.

(Both quotes noted by our Midwest bureau.)

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