
Look, I don't want to be a grump or anything...

NEW YORK – Saying low-slung pants give their wearers a bad image, a state lawmaker is making the point with some images of his own.

Brooklyn residents awoke Thursday to the sight of two "Stop the Sag" billboards — and more were on the way, organizers said. The signs show two men in jeans low enough to display their underwear. The billboards were bankrolled by state Sen. Eric Adams, who also made an online video to send his message: "You can raise your level of respect if you raise your pants."

link: NY politician takes up cause: Sagging pants - Yahoo! News

...(moi?) but really?

1 comment:

Lynn C Dot said...

Underwear on the subway is a good thing if you follow Improv Everywhere.

Otherwise, I'm not interested. (Not that I have anything against being grumpy.)