
So if you want to stay thin...

...quit thinking.

You can get ravenous when you are doing nothing else but thinking hard about something. This has been a thesis of ours for years. See, that's why these few extra pounds crept up on us. It has nothing to do with lack of exercise or willpower or any of the other stuff that diet experts cite to flagellate us. Here's why many Americans are too fat: They think too much.

And now we have the proof! Or at least, we have someone who agrees with us.

Performing mental tasks stimulates the appetite so much that people tend to eat significantly more calories while doing so, according to a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine. Researchers found brain work "destabilizes" levels of insulin and glucose, two basic components in the body's energy-producing arsenal. Thus, the harder you think, the more the brain demands glucose—meaning sugar.

[From Thinking makes you fat -- chicagotribune.com]

Hey, you could always just sit around and watch TV.

Oh, wait...

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