
Whoa, bunky, am I missing something or is this just toooo bizarre?

HONG KONG — Since Imperial times, Chinese governments have relied on neighbors to inform on each other as a way to preserve social control.

But with China now becoming wealthier and its citizens more mobile, the government is now embracing the extensive use of street-by-street surveillance technology — and the United States government is becoming less sure that American companies should be playing a central role in the effort.


Yeah, because they've got plenty of work to do already making surveillance stuff for right here at home.

“It remains extremely important to have such controls in place so that our country’s exports do not enable governments abroad to repress the fundamental freedoms that we cherish here at home,” said Representative Edward J. Markey, the Massachusetts Democrat who presides over the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet.

Meanwhile, from a CBS story of five years ago:

(CBS) Times Square. The best place in the United States to lose yourself. Pretty anonymous, right?

Think again.

As many as 200 surveillance cameras are observing every move you make.

That's nothing compared to Washington, D.C., where the chief of police says that he potentially has access to an unlimited number of cameras.

(CBS News)

Somebody better tell Markey to pull his had way down over his eyes. And wear shades.

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