
Pretty much says it all

Avedon's post at The Sideshow this morning...
So, Edwards dropped out of the race, and I still don't like Hillary and Obama all that much. And I don't think changing the physical shape or color of a president is going to do much for you and me, let alone all those people who can't even vote in this election. So what do I do, now?

It's well worth reading all.

Which pretty much leaves me in the lurch for Tuesday. I'd be tempted to vote for McCain - on the grounds I don't want to see Romney even on the same side of the Mississippi as the White House, let alone running in a one-on-one to live there. But voting for McCain would require me to be a registered Republican for about 90 seconds, and that might be too steep a price to bear.

So Clinton, probably, not that it appears she needs much help. And not that I'll do it with much enthusiasm.

Ted Kennedy's endorsement carries a lot of weight with me, and Obama is right when he says, sorta, what's most important is not what's happened in the past, it's what happens next. That said, the candidate best equipped to deal with what happens next is Hillary.

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