
More X

You gotta love web clips. Just click a button in the Safari toolbar and you can clip a section - the Top Stories section from the Yahoo! News page, for instance - and convert it into a dashboard widget. Whenever that section of the web page updates your widget updates.

I don't use Dashboard a whole lot but I do use it. A system monitoring widget (iStat) lives there, along with a couple of clocks (local and GMT) a local weather forecast, white and Yellow Pages lookup widgets, and a units converter (miles to kilometers, grams to ounces, that kind of thing). Now with web clips I might use it a whole lot more. 

And here's something cool: The Help menu in any app includes a search field. So if you know there's something on some menu somewhere but you can't remember which one, instead of poking around in all the menus looking for it you just click Help, type what you're looking for (say, "Merge") and you get a list of all the uses of that word in the menus. Hover your mouse over an item on the list and the appropriate menu drops down and an arrow points to the command. How cool is that? And this is even cooler - that same search works on the History lists in Safari. So if you want to go back to a page you saw a few days ago, instead of scrounging through the History lists just pop up Help Search, type the name of the page, and there you go.

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