
Funny money's funny, turns out

Making dollar coins the size of a quarter is bad enough. Sure, maybe they're proportionally accurate (they used to be silver dollars and we used to call them wagon wheels, great honking big coins worth a buck, back when a buck was a buck and we used to walk to school barefoot in the snow, uphill both ways, you kids have it easy, blah blah) but they're stupid. Now it turns out the US Mint is not so swift either, having trouble making the things so all their parts are actually there. Wonkette is all over the story like Lou Dobbs on a Mexican, now reporting...
Money-watchers believe the worst is yet to come. Be on the look out for quarters sporting the face Freddie “Boom Boom” Washington, or $20 bills depicting Billy Dee Williams Carl Weathers as “Action” Jackson.


Link: Wonkette

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