
When these guys finally blow their circuits they really make a fine shower of sparks, don't they?

The nerve! sniffs grouchy old Bob Novak, the very nerve of that Jim Webb, thinks he's a professional writer or something, doesn't stick to the talking points and calls the DOOFUS reckless! Oh dear, oh dear. How rude!

In his latest column, Novak just can't get over the D's failure to go all gaga over the DOOFUS' "bipartisan special advisory council" idea. Could be "the most overt snub of a presidential overture" since George McClellan blew off Lincoln, Novak swoons.

Never mind we already have a bipartisan advisory council. It's called Congress. Remember them, Bob? And never mind what happened to the last "special advisory council" - some guy named Baker, wasn't it? Whatever.

To be fair, it's not just the junior senator from Virginia who's giving Novak fainting spells, it's the whole "cantankerous" bunch of them, those D's, who are just being soooooo unreasonable, not wanting to hear the DOOFUS' "pleas for consultation" and give him a big smoochy hug. Like that nice Joe Lieberman guy.


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