
Oh no, Snowjob. No no no.

Here's Tony Snowjob, bunker spokesbimbo, speaking about the DOOFUS' domestic policies (yeah right, like he has domestic policies):
“George W. Bush as a president,” [Snowjob] said, “is not somebody who is going to cease to be bold because there has been — because right now people are concerned about the progress of the war. Instead he understands his obligation as commander in chief is to go ahead and address forthrightly big problems and come up with solutions that not only are going to have political appeal, but they’re also going to be effective in making life better for Americans.”

Listen up, Snowjob. DOOFUS is "commander in chief" of the military and not one damn thing else. We don't have a "commander in chief" of anything else. We have a president. And you're a moron if you don't know that.

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