
How about Steve Jobs for president?

I mean, if he can get so many people yapping about the iPhone when there won't even be one for five months, imagine what he could do in politics.
The arrival of my year-end issue of Newsweek in December was accompanied by a palpable sense of dread. Featuring Sens. Barack Obama (D-IL) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) on the cover with the headline, "The Race is On," the issue landed with a thud, like an unwanted fruitcake amidst the holiday season. How else to respond to a 2008 campaign preview package published 98 weeks before Election Day and nearly 400 days before a single registered Democrat would vote in a primary? That, plus the fact the 2008 drumbeat was sounding just six weeks after the all-consuming midterm elections had been completed.

(Eric Boehlert, Media Matters)

I bet if Jobs announced today he could be running for his second term by March.

Look, I understand it with the Rs - they've been campaigning against Clinton for 15 years already so I wouldn't expect them to change (in fact I don't expect them to change about anything, ever) - but at least the rest of us could grow up. Couldn't we?


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