
A second law revealed.

Innovator Devises Way Around Electoral College - New York Times
After reading the NYT story (linked above) about John Koza's scheme to obviate the Electoral College, and engaging in twenty or possibly even thirty seconds of concentrated deliberation of it's assorted pros and cons thereafter - and also, I might add, as one who on several occasions played his 60s-era, "brutally complcated" board game about the Electoral College (I thought it was kind of dull, but maybe that's because I didn't appreciate its brutal complications) - and further, after decades of idle speculation, I am prepared to formally introduce Compton's Second Law, namely...
Compton's Law of Unadulterated Rectitude
...which holds as follows:
Any decision that puts experts out of business is a good one.
(For those few who remain unfamiliar with Compton's First Law, it is...
Compton's Law of Total Financial Elasticity
...to wit:
Total income plus (or minus, if the minuses are plusses, or vice versa) total outlay equals zero.

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