
Here's a blast from the past.

ASCII art. Woohoo! Guys used to spend hours constructing images like this. And even more hours trying to print them out in chat rooms ("OK nobody type now. Look at this.") Now you can have some ASCII art of your very own - just point your up-to-date Firefox at gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/fun/figletgw.

Ooops. There's another blast from the past, huh? Gopher. Invented at the University of Minnesota (hence the name), it was a pre-WWW protocol for browsing files on the net. Fast, efficient, searchable (by Archie and Veronica), and full of glorious stuff.

The Gopher link above, BTW, will work in Firefox and a few other browsers but not in others, those others not offering support for the now pretty much atrophied Gopherspace. You can find out more about this - and about Gopher - at this Floodgap Public Gopher Proxy.

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