
And speaking of sin...

Today, purveyors of internet porn earn a combined annual income exceeding the total of the major networks ABC, CBS, and NBC.
...this titillating fact buried in a paper (actually, a summary of an abstract of a paper) suggesting the substantial increase in porn availability and the substantial decrease in rape seen over the past 25 years in the US correlate causally.

While this is an interesting and somewhat appealing theory, it's difficult to say from reading just the summary whether it holds water or not. But the paper's observation that incidence of rape in the US has declined 85% in the past quarter century (based on National Crime Victimization Survey data) seems to belie the cable-news fomented notion that sex crimes are burgeoning everywhere.

Whatever the case, given the kind of money involved, you can bet internet porn is not going away any time soon.

So relax.

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