
One of these days we're gonna have to get this pledge thing sorted out.

When I was in high school the Pledge of Allegiance went sort of like...

"...one nation, indivisible, oh shit..."

...because the "under God" part had just been added and everybody kept forgetting to put it in, having recited the pledge without it for all our tender years. Some of us, in fact - conservatives, who didn't like our sacred things being screwed around with by a bunch of wackos in Washington - objected to its being put there in the first place, but Ike insisted adding it in would stick it to those dirty, godless Commies, so in it went.

That's how it is with conserving, I guess. Fortunately the Bellamy salute went out of style the year before I entered kindergarten so at least I escaped having to conserve that. It really does look sort of dorky, doesn't it?

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1 comment:

...e... said...

me, i grew up under god.