
Sounds like a baby boom in Italy.

He combined all the technologies into the Bambini Revolution. It will clear snow, scrape ice smooth and leave a layer of water on the ice to bring it to a glassy finish. The scraper blade smooths the bumps from ice and pipes release heated water that bonds to the existing ice, leaving a smooth skating surface as it hardens.

Man creates backyard Zamboni - Boston.com

Bambini Revolution! Woohoo! But it's not about the kiddies, it's about ice. Making an ice rink in your  back yard. (But wait! Like one of those things they sell on late night TV, it can also clear driveways (!) mow lawns (!) and spread liquid fertilizer (!!).) And for $30,000 you can hardly afford to be without one.

Let me know when you've got one. I might come over and borrow it some day.

1 comment:

...e... said...

zamboni bambini?