
Want something? Let Joe know. UPDATE

Biden rolls out migration order that aims to shut down asylum requests, after months of anticipation

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Tuesday unveiled plans to enact immediate significant restrictions on migrants seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border as the White House tries to neutralize immigration as a political liability ahead of the November elections.

Wait. There's an election?… 


Within hours of the AP's story above the New York Post ran with a piece that begins:

The Biden administration announced an executive order Tuesday that it claims would shut down the US-Mexico border once illegal crossings hit 2,500 per day between points of entry for seven consecutive days — a “crackdown” that will still permit a minimum of 1.8 million new arrivals into America every year even if enforced properly.

 And the New York Times reported:

The order is the most restrictive border policy instituted by Mr. Biden, or any other modern Democrat, and echoes an effort in 2018 by President Donald J. Trump to cut off migration that was blocked in federal court.

The American Civil Liberties Union will sue, the Times says, and quotes ACLU lawyer Lee Gelernt: “It was unlawful under Trump and is no less illegal now.”

Biden's executive order "mirrors," the Times says, a bill voted down by the House of Representatives in February.

From the Post:

“Today, I’m moving past Republican obstruction and using executive authorities available as president to do what I can on my own to address the border,” the president said, before warning lax border enforcement could make the crisis even worse — as GOP politicians have long argued.

So whatever's been accomplished here probably hasn't been.

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