
On cutting out that combustion

U.S. Tightens Car Mileage Rules, Part of Strategy to Fight Climate Change

The push for more E.V.s comes as the world’s leading climate experts say that retiring the internal combustion engine is critical to staving off the most deadly effects of global warming.
So it seems we've given up on avoiding global warming completely and are now only worried about the most deadly part of it. (Also, NYTimes, tut tut…it's not global warming any more, it's climate change. Try to focus here.)

And not only the deadly part, a photo caption points out, but also the costly part. Fortunately, for fighting the costly part we have the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.
In addition to the regulations, the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, championed by Mr. Biden, provides tax credits for buyers of new and used electric vehicles, along with incentives for charging stations and grants and loans for manufacturers.

And I've heard those electric cars can really burn some rubber. 

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