
How's Russia doing?

Here's a little summary from the Associated Press.

Moscow has aggressively expanded its military cooperation with the nations by using the private security company Wagner and its likely successor, Africa Corps, with Russian mercenaries protecting African leaders and helping states fight extremists. Russia offers security assistance without interfering in politics, making it an appealing partner in places like Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, all ruled by military juntas that seized power in recent years.

Russia has taken advantage of political unrest and discontent in coup-hit nations, capitalizing on popular frustration and anger with former colonial power France. Military coups have ousted governments seen as close to the West and doing little to alleviate grinding poverty and unemployment.

In return, Moscow seeks access to minerals and other contracts as well as political support, or at least neutrality, over its invasion of Ukraine. Africa is rich in minerals, oil, and other resources, which are increasingly central to economic and national security. African nations also make up the largest voting bloc at the United Nations and have been more divided than any other group on resolutions criticizing Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

[Emphasis mine.]

For a country that's supposedly being challenged by Ukraine, they seem to be doing pretty well.

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