
At first glance, 5,000 steps seems like a lot of steps…

…but (I’m talking “steps” as in “paces” here) it’s not. If your step is a yard long, 5,000 steps would get you about 2.8 miles, a useful bit of exercise but not enough to put much wear on your boots. My own step (as calculated from iOS’s health app averages) is 2.23 feet, which amounts to 2,283 steps per mile.

But not today. Today is tiny-step-taker day, just enough snow to hide the ice patches on the sidewalks. And there are plenty of them. Ice patches, I mean. But plenty of sidewalks too, although not all of them are shoveled very well (Are you listening, Bank of America? What’s your problem?). (OK, what’s one of your problems?) So be careful out there.

Also it’s downright chilly, but that’s Wisconsin’s fault.

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