
Pretty weird

I’m just getting around to reading about the new iPhone announced today (yeah that’s weird right there, but it’s not what I’m talking about here) and it (the new iPhone) will take your pulse and pay for your latte and make movies and blah blah blah faster better, everybody’s talking, but nobody’s talking about whether it’s any good as a phone. Nobody ever talks about that, as far as I can tell, regarding the iPhone or any other kind. (Well, true, there was Antennagate, but that turned out to be a passing thing.)

So how is it? Eh. It’s OK, as good as any mobile phone, I guess. But none of them come close to a good old-fashioned copper pair. In the phone industry, back in the day, we used to obsess about call quality but it turns out nobody cares all that much. 

Including me. I don’t have a landline any more either.

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