
Shhh: It'll be fine if you just don't use it

A Plea to Avoid Crush of Users at Health Site - NYTimes.com

Administration officials said Tuesday that they had decided not to inaugurate a big health care marketing campaign planned for December out of concern that it might drive too many people to the still-fragile HealthCare.gov.

Also, I'm not much for complaining about hard-earned dollars since I don't earn any and even when I did it wasn't all that hard—still, what is the government doing in the health-care marketing business? Today is trash day and I just came in from lugging a big box of junk mail from various health-care insurance companies out to the curb, and now they're planning to send me more from DC? Or spam (yeah, I don't have enough of that already)? From the government?

When we could be using the money to buy more bombs?

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