
Stinky cheese

As a kid, I used to love eating stinky cheese with my grandfather while my grandmother and my mother sat around saying "ewww." It was just sort of a guy thing. And I still like stinky cheese, which is why, after the guy who lives on the third floor came around last evening distributing samples of an Austrian cheese called Hubaner, saying he certainly wouldn't eat the stuff, I went down to the co-op food store this morning to buy some more. This Hubaner is good. It tastes a little bit like sweatsocks, but really, really cheesy sweatsocks. Yum.

But the stuff costs $20/lb., on sale. So I didn't buy too much. Still, with this Hubaner cheese, it doesn't take much.

I also bought a baguette at the co-op, which my French student sister says makes the best baguettes in town.

1 comment:

Lynn C Dot said...

Nice treat!