
It's official as far as Simon is convened: Obama is a better killer than Dubya. Cheaper, too.

Barack Obama gets no credit for protecting nation - Roger Simon - POLITICO.com

Obama just won a war. Whether by leading from behind, in front or sideways, the victory by the Libyan rebels in toppling Muammar Qadhafi would have been impossible without U.S. money, more than 5,000 U.S. missions flown, 1,200 airstrikes, 100 Predator strikes, and even B-2 Stealth bomber attacks launched from Missouri. We also had CIA agents on the ground, but we’ll probably never know what they did. America did not act alone — we acted with NATO — but a win is a win, and Obama’s victory did not cost this country a single U.S. life....

Oh, yeah. Almost forgot that one. Obama launched a daring raid into Pakistan to kill bin Laden in May. And let’s not forget the killing of master terrorist Anwar Al-Awlaki in September in Yemen with a drone-launched Hellfire missile, or the rescue of an American sea captain from Somali pirates by Navy SEALS in April 2009.

It's true, I'm getting a little dizzy over Libya. I thought we got out of it – oh no! it's NATO, we're just helping! – but now it's more like NATO gave us a hand but that's OK, we still won...however you cut it, that list of hardware is some pretty substantial help. Not to mention OMG! CIA!

Still, that Obama guy sure does do a lot of killing and gets no friggin' credit for it, Simon says.

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