
And this is what's wrong...

...and wrong, Bunky...and sorry about linking to the paywalled NYTimes but all you reall need to know is right here in this one paragraph, right here...

Big Cash Edge Powers Obama In Drive for 2012 Election - NYTimes.com

Since the beginning of the year, Mr. Obama and the Democratic National Committee, for which the president is helping raise money to finance his party’s grass-roots efforts, have spent close to $87 million in operating costs, according to a New York Times analysis of campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. That amount is about as much as all the current Republican candidates together have raised so far in this campaign.

...in which the question arises, what with all the things that are going on right now...folks marching in the streets, assassination squad dispatched to Africa somewhere (oh yeah), Europe threatening to melt, China...well, just China...all these things and more...and who's minding the store? Not that the question is Obama-specific, necessarily...if Goofy were president he'd be out campaigning too, more than a year before the next election and never mind what we're paying him to do, and spending a bazillion bucks to do it and am I sounding a little worked up here? Really?

And another thing. Raising money to finance grass-roots efforts? Efforts that are funded by millions of DNC dollars are not grass-roots efforts any more than the ones the Kochs pay for are. And a tiny mini-scandal blew past a few minutes ago about how #OWS has 300 grand in a bank somewhere and the DNC is talking $87 mil? Come on.

Meanwhile Obama wants to piggyback on the #OWS buzz without, of course, stepping on any actual Wall Street toes, not any big (read, available for making donation) toes anyway.

And it all just crumbles away.

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