
No, it was not a dream

I was watching an episode from the second season of Mad Men the other evening and one of the characters, in a restaurant, ordered steak tartare. Steak tartare is raw beef, generally mixed with onions and capers and maybe a few other things, often served with a raw egg. And we did eat it in the 60's and beyond, into the 70's or so. I used to drink a raw egg with milk for breakfast on occasion, and of course raw egg with Worcestershire sauce was a widely acclaimed hangover cure, although it never worked all that well for me. Wikipedia claims it's still possible to eat steak tartare with proper precautions although I doubt it is much done. Alas.

But what we do have in the new millennium that we did not have in the 60's is chocolate Cheerios. 

I like to keep a box of Cheerios around for munchies. I figure it's probably better than potato chips or those puffy cheese things. I don't often eat Cheerios for breakfast but I do eat them as snacks. So imagine my delight at finding chocolate Cheerios in the grocery store this afternoon. Kind of like little tiny chocolate donuts with Cheerios inside. (Ewww. That's not exactly a pleasing image. But still.)

I bought some but I haven't tried them yet. I'm saving them for dessert.

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