
Iraq reconstruction history details waste, failures

After U.S. forces toppled the Saddam Hussein regime in 2003, it was "unprepared and ill-equipped to deal with what came next: a 'post-conflict' environment torn by violence, looters, criminals, a nascent insurgency; a governmental system in a state of complete collapse; and an economy that had slipped into idle and then switched off."

The raging Iraqi insurgency, crime and sectarian fighting "informed and complicated every decision" in funding such tasks as infrastructure building, security force development, job creation, economic reform and governance.

"The U.S. reconstruction management structure was overwhelmed by the challenges of building in a war zone," the report said.

[From Iraq reconstruction history details waste, failures - CNN.com]

And much more (click the link), notes Midwest Bureau Cub Reporter Paul Knue, who adds...

Good thing those fiscally conservative, financially responsible Republicans were in charge. Otherwise the search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq could have gotten way out of hand.

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