
Bad fonts and color photos, commenter says, to blame for Tribune woes

Sadly, the Tribune's best days are way, waaaay behind it. It will never be a quality paper again. The Tribune tried to get more readers by dumbing down, changing fonts, enlarging fonts, uglifying fonts, adding color photos and stupid celebrity news, and nothing worked. That strategy will never work with me or other people who actually want a serious, high quality newspaper. The Tribune is 95% junk and it deserves to go under.

[From Keeping calm about the Tribune's bankruptcy | Steve Chapman]

Not to mention "stupid celebrity news." Dude, how redundant is that?

From context provided by other commenters, it's tempting to think this guy believes ugly fonts and color pictures are somehow "liberal."

The Tribune company, of course, has filed for bankruptcy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

huh. attractive thoughts )